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How To Repair Parquet Floor?

Parquet wood is gorgeous, however, damaged pieces can pose a problem. In order to repair the problem, repair the wood damaged with a matching parquet tile. Here are a few of the tools that may be required in order to make sure of how to repair the parquet floor: 

How To Repair Parquet Floor & Tools Required:


  • Brace or drill and bit


  • Sharp cut


  • Hammer


  • Needle-nosed pliers


  • Putty knife


  • Wire cutters


  • Spreader with notches or small mixing bowl and stir stick


  • Scrap wood blocks


  • Weights

How To Repair Parquet Floor & Materials Used:

  • Matching prefinished parquet tile


  • Medium-grit Sandpaper


  • The tile adhesive is also known as epoxy cement.


  • Carpenters’ glue


  • Cloth


  • Polish or wax

In order to replace the damaged piece of wood, choose the same prefinished tile in the event that you cannot find an already-finished tile, then complete the tile so that it will be a perfect match prior to installing it. Make use of the entire tile or just one part of the piece, if needed; substitute as small as possible.

Removing The Damaged Wood

The first step is to remove the wood piece that has been damaged. If the entire tile piece is damaged, create the holes along the block in the direction of the grain using the aid of a brace or drill. You can drill completely into the damaged block but do not drill into the floor beneath it. With a straight tool and hammer take care to split the block, and cut the blocks into fragments. Be sure not to damage the wood pieces around you.

The majority of parquet tiles are connected by tongue-and-groove joints. On the sides with grooves be sure to carefully lift the parts of the block away from the tongues that are adjacent. If the sides of the grooves stick with the chisel, slice through only one part of the groove. Ensure that you do not damage the tongues of adjacent pieces. On the sides with tongues of the tile take out the tongue which was holding the damaged block until the tile next. If the tongue pieces stick to the tile, remove it using a chisel, and gently remove the piece that was cut.

If just one part of an unison or parquet piece is damaged, take the damaged section. Utilizing a sharp chisel and a hammer, take care to cut the damaged area and remove the pieces of wood that have splintered. If the components of the piece are connected through a wire spline place the damaged piece of wood by using needle-nosed scissors; then cut the spline using wire cutters in order to remove the broken piece.

Replacing The Damaged Wood

Once you have removed the wood piece that has been damaged make the space ready to accommodate the new piece. Scrape down the subfloor in order to eliminate the adhesive that remains; then be sure that all pieces of the previous piece of wood are taken away. If you’ve cut the wire to remove the old wood piece, you can trim the ends of the wire to make them flush. Tap them gently with your hammer to flatten out sharp ends on the wire.

If you want to replace damaged wood you can use an identical tile or just one part from a similar unit. If you’re using a complete tile, make sure you match the grooved and tongued edges to the adjacent tiles. By using a sharp chisel or a hammer, take off the protruding top edges of the side with grooves and the tile will be able to sit on top of the adjoining tongues and not be locked on the edges. Examine the tile’s the proper fit, to ensure that the cut is sufficient.

If you’re using only one component of a set take the entire unit off to take out the piece of wood you wish to use. If necessary, you can take out the wire spline that connects the piece to the unit. Cut the ends of the spline to flush then tap them with a hammer in order to flatten the spline. Examine the piece of wood to see if it fits in the opening. If the wood is not tightly inserted into the gap take it off and sand the piece of replacement lightly using medium-grit sandpaper. Take care not to harm the wood’s finish.

Completing The Repair

In order to complete the repair, you must glue the newly installed block of wood in place. If replacing the entire tile, apply the floor tile adhesive and apply the adhesive on the subfloor inside the hole using an angled spreader. For the sides with grooves in the tile, put an even coat of carpenter glue to the edge at the bottom of the groove on top. Make sure to set the tile in place starting with the tongued side first in order to seal in the grooves of adjacent tiles. Set the sides with grooves firmly on top of the tongues that are abutting.

If the tile is properly put in place, lay a block of scrap wood on top and gently tap it with a hammer in order to bed and even the tile. The edges of the newly laid tile must meet the edges of the existing tiles. Take care to remove any glue using a clean cloth.

If you’re replacing just one strip or a section of a piece use epoxy cement to bind it to the original. Mix the epoxy in accordance with the directions given by the manufacturer. After that, apply it to both the back and edges of the piece to be replaced. Install the replacement piece within the opening, and then tap the piece into position using a hammer to join and level the surface. Remove any remaining epoxy by wiping it with a damp towel.

To ensure that the newly laid-down piece of wood bonds solidly, you can cover it with some scrap wood. Then, weigh it over the duration of curing, for the epoxy or adhesive, according to the instructions of the manufacturer. The epoxy or the adhesive should cure completely prior to removing the weight. If the finished piece of wood does not blend into the floor then polish or wax all the flooring.